Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Great Helmsman Mocks Unscientific Séances

“The trembling blue plane of the Pacific. The moss covered cliffs and the cool rush of Manoa Falls, with its ginger blossoms and high canopies filled with the sounds of invisible birds. The North Shore's thunderous waves, crumbling as if in a slow-motion reel. The shadows off Pali's peaks; the sultry scented air.”--from the Great Helmsman's memoir, Dreams From My Father
On Friday, November 7, 2008, Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet asked the Great Helmsman if he had spoken to all the "living" Presidents.

The Great Helmsman revealed to the people:

I have spoken to all of them who are living. I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.

The Great Helmsman was a very precocious child; when he was only eight years old, he read the New York Times and learned that Nancy Reagan consulted with an astrologer.
Everyone laughed at the Great Helmsman's joke.

The Great Helmsman, of course, is a scientific person who does not participate in superstitious séances to consult relics of the past.

In another gasp from the past, revisionist running dog Yevgeni Primakov performed self-criticism on the pages of Izvestia (3-19-92):

“The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service [KGB General Yevgeni Primakov] made a number of really sensational announcements. He mentioned the well-known articles printed a few years ago in our central newspapers about AIDS supposedly originating from secret Pentagon laboratories. According to Yevgeni Primakov, the articles exposing the U.S. scientists’ 'crafty' plot against mankind were fabricated in KGB offices. In revenge for this, the U.S. special services cooked up their own version of the attack on the Pope in the early 1980s, accusing the Soviet Union of organizing this terrorist act.”--Izvestia, March 19, 1992


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