Grand Junction Sentinel Reports: Ward Churchill Can't Get His Job Back at the University of Colorado
The Grand Junction Sentinel (10-13-10) in Grand Junction, Colorado, is reporting that the discredited plagiarist and ex-professor Ward Churchill will not get his job back at the University of Colorado in Boulder. No other papers are reporting this story, and I can't seem to access the full story at the Sentinel even though I am registered. A Churchill site is reporting that the court will hear oral arguments in Churchill's case on October 20, so the Sentinel report is a bit of a surprise. Take this apocryphal report with a grain of salt. I think something funny may be going on here. This sounds like an old story from 2009 that somehow was posted by devilish little gremlins!
The Grand Junction Sentinel (10-13-10)reports:Fired University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill can’t get his job back and won’t get $1 million, either, a judge ruled Tuesday. Denver District Judge Larry Naves said in a 42-page decision that reinstating Churchill at the Boulder campus would suggest to “the broader academic community that the department of ethnic studies tolerates research misconduct.” [Full text.]
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