Why Was Anna Mae Aquash Really Murdered?

"Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, a Mi'kmaq Indian from Canada, was brutally murdered in 1975. Her murder can only be described as a conspiracy and a cover-up by the American Indian Movement [AIM]...
It would be a terrible miscarriage of justice if only the foot soldiers are prosecuted and not those that gave the order to murder Anna Mae or those that knew about it and failed to prevent it or to report it."---Lakota Sioux journalist Tim Giago, speaking truth to power
"[In 1973,] The AIM people destroyed the homes of Indian residents [living in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation]. They stole valuables and burnt furniture. They shot pets, dogs and cats, and smashed children's tricycles. They defecated and urinated on floors—after having 'purified' themselves in 'sweat' rituals."---John Burrows
The FBI has a very long memory. One murder they never forgot was the brutal December 1975 execution of the idealistic American Indian Movement (AIM) activist Anna Mae Aquash.
This murder was a federal crime because it happened on Indian lands, and the FBI has been investigating this difficult case for more than 30 years.
People have come forward to tell what happened in recent years, so the FBI and federal prosecutors have finally been able to develop enough evidence to take these killers---and perhaps even the AIM kingpins who ordered Anna Mae's murder---to court.
As the renowned Lakota journalist Tim Giago observes:
Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, a Mi'kmaq Indian from Canada, was brutally murdered in 1975. Her murder can only be described as a conspiracy and a cover-up by the American Indian Movement...
It would be a terrible miscarriage of justice if only the foot soldiers are prosecuted and not those that gave the order to murder Anna Mae or those that knew about it and failed to prevent it or to report it."
In October 2008, John Graham, the alleged triggerman, will finally go on trial. John Graham was a young, low-level member of AIM Security in 1975. Now he is in his 50s. If John Graham is remorseful and tells the truth about how he was manipulated as a young person, it might teach other young people not to listen when older people incite them to commit a crime.
Although John Graham may have been Anna Mae's actual killer, the testimony of cooperating AIM witnesses may prove that some AIM leaders ordered this killing.
The retired FBI agent Joseph H. Trimbach and his son John have posted a timeline (scroll down) about the crimes of the leadership of the American Indian Movement (AIM). The timeline also appears in their book American Indian Mafia along with a detailed analysis of the history of the American Indian Movement.
Anna Mae Aquash may have been murdered because she witnessed the convicted killer Leonard Peltier brag about murdering two FBI agents on June 26, 1975.
According to the Trimbachs:
Leonard Peltier [is] AIM’s preeminent symbol of cowardice and violence. With a reputation as “AIM muscle,” Peltier aspired to be Dennis Banks’s bodyguard. According to several Native Americans, Peltier interrogated Anna Mae Aquash at gunpoint in 1975. Peltier serves two consecutive life sentences for the brutal slayings of two FBI Special Agents in June of 1975. Both Agents were shot in the face at point blank range. Peltier later bragged about the killings, yet managed to convince several politicians, authors, entertainers, world leaders, and human rights activists of his innocence. Although his support has begun to wane, Peltier still enjoys a worldwide following among true believers, political extremists, and self-anointed elites.
You can read some articles about the murdered FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams by scrolling down here.
Leonard Peltier's lawyer Bruce Ellison reportedly encouraged other AIM members to believe that Anna Mae was an FBI informant. Maybe he did this to protect his client Leonard Peltier. Hopefully the trial of John Graham will bring the full truth about Anna Mae's murder and the AIM's true agenda to light.
According to the retired FBI agent Joseph H. Trimbach:
Leonard Peltier’s long-standing lawyer and defender... [Bruce] Ellison has been implicated in the murder of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash by several AIM members who place him at meetings where Aquash’s fate was discussed. When questioned before grand juries, Ellison has repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
The AIM has murdered whites, blacks, and Indians. They have killed law officers and civil rights activists who got wind of the criminal nature of the leadership.
The AIM claimed to be advancing the civil rights of Indians, but they were really a terrorist organization that kidnapped Indians, turned an Indian village into a smoking ruin, stole or destroyed Indian artifacts from Clive and Agnes Gildersleeve's Wounded Knee museum (twice), sold the stolen artifacts, destroyed the Gildersleeve's museum, stole Indians' property, raped, and killed people. Read some posts about the Gildersleeve's museum and how the AIM preyed on Wounded Knee by scrolling down here. My first post about the ruin of Wounded Knee is here.
The AIMsters really had a nerve to claim they were defending Indians. As John Burrows writes:
[O]ne hundred to two hundred Indians led by members of the American Indian Movement (AIM), swarmed into Wounded Knee and wrecked Clive Gildersleeve's museum. They knocked the old man down and spat on him. They smashed and overturned glass display cases and slashed hide paintings and pictures. Then they left, these self-proclaimed AIM "warriors," taking with them whatever artifacts they had not destroyed. Altogether they stole, destroyed or damaged $50,000 worth of irreplaceable Sioux treasures. Many of these items were later sold to white collectors. "The reason for that destruction," AIM "leader" Clyde Bellecourt said, "was that the owner, even though he was married to an Oglala Sioux, was white.....The AIM people destroyed the homes of Indian residents. They stole valuables and burnt furniture. They shot pets, dogs and cats, and smashed children's tricycles. They defecated and urinated on floors—after having "purified" themselves in "sweat" rituals. Sanitation does not obtain in the Indian movement.
Sometimes people are blinded to the truth about terrorists by the BIG LIE: terrorists often camoflage their real agenda by seeming to champion a good cause. This seems to have been the case with the AIM. The way the AIM acted at Wounded Knee proves they were burglars, thieves, arsonists, rapists, kidnappers, and killers, not champions of the Indians' civil rights.
Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “...the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85)
On February 27, 1973, a mob led by the AIM seized the Indian village of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They took hostages; they reportedly raped and killed some women; they started shooting at federal agents. Eventually AIM reduced the village to rubble. The area around the village may hold the remains of people murdered during the occupation of Wounded Knee.
What happened at Wounded Knee was terrorism!
Some of the lawyers who were members of the AIM were involved with the American Communist Party. One lawyer, Mark Lane (scroll down here), even had a relationship with the Soviet KGB's propaganda apparatus. This was revealed when a KGB archivist named Vasili Mitrokhin (scroll down here) defected to the British.
Communist propagandists don't care about improving people's civil rights. Their goal is to destroy our trust in our government by depicting murdering criminals as civil rights champions and the innocent victims of "frame-ups." Their goal is to destroy our trust in government by depicting our law enforcement and military as terrorists who murder innocents and use biological warfare to commit genocide.
AIM seems to have murdered and buried perhaps six victims in unmarked graves during the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee. They murdered two FBI agents on June 26, 1975, and they murdered Anna Mae Aquash in December 1975. They were terrorists who used force, violence, and propaganda to manipulate the U.S. government, discredit law enforcement, and mask their own criminality.
Here is the dreadful passage from the Trimbachs' timeline that tells of the brutal, gory terrorist murder of Anna Mae Aquash, a young woman who believed in the AIM's lofty, professed values but witnessed their criminal underbelly:
December 10 (on or about), 1975: Anna Mae is carried from the Denver home of Troy Lynn Yellowwood by John Graham and Arlo Looking Cloud and put in the back of Theda Clarke’s red Pinto hatchback. Several witnesses observe that Anna Mae is bound and carried against her will. She is eventually taken to the offices of the Wounded Knee Legal Defense Offense Committee in Rapid City, where she is questioned by AIM members. Anna Mae is moved to two residences owned by Thelma Rios-Conroy. AIM leaders hold further discussions about Anne Mae’s loyalty. According to News From Indian Country sources, WKLDOC [Wounded Knee Legal Defense Offence Committee] attorney Bruce Ellison is said to have encouraged the idea that Anna Mae might be an informant.
December 12, 1975: Anna Mae is driven to the reservation home of Bill Means where AIM members Clyde Bellecourt and David Hill are said to be waiting. Later that night, Theda Clark, Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham drive Anna Mae to a remote part of the Pine Ridge Reservation. After Looking Cloud and Graham force Anna Mae out of the car, they drag her to the edge of a cliff. Graham allegedly shoots her in the head. [Full timeline--scroll down].
What was COINTELPRO? What was there about Anna Mae that made AIM members consider her to be an informer? Who was responsible for the assassinations of traditionalists on Pine Ridge prior to the appearance of AIM? Why was AIM organized to begin with? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? It's absolutely ironic that we continue to blame Native Americans for their own destruction. But little has changed within the halls of the federal government. 9/11 notwithstanding.
The post explains that Anna Mae heard Leonard Peliter confess to murdering two FBI agents.
They may have been afraid she would identify the killers.
The FBI did not use Cointelpro against AIM.
Ward Churchill makes this claim, but he also wrote in a KGB-sponsored publication that the FBI backed death squads that killed Indians.
Read the new edition of Trimbach's book.
Many people conspired in the murder of Anna Maw. Even Peltier was escaped from prison when Anna Mae was killed.
The trial of Graham and Marshall for the Anna Mae murder will probably bring out a lot, because Arlo Looking Cloud will testify.
Some leaders of AIM are white communists. Their lawyer Mark Lane had a relationship with the KGB.
Sometimes criminals disguise themselves as human rights activists.
These AIMsters were afraid that Anna Mae would implicate Peltier and others (that got off) in a murder because Peltier told her he killed an FBI agent who was begging for his life.
Anna Mae was not a criminal, so they were afraid she might tell what she heard.
Some close observers believe the trial of Marshall and Graham may finally implicate the AIM leaders who gave the orders, not just the young people who actually killed her.
You might want to get Trimbach's book. The e-book is only 5 dollars.
Also Paul DeMain has a lot about Anna Mae. He is the editor of News from Indian Country and has researched this murder for many years. He is Indian.
Trimbachs' book has a lot of testimony from Indians who are coming forward about what happened.
They are the real Indian activists. Peltier was a career criminal.
AIM was controlled by communists with KGB connections and murderers. The "human rights" talk is a cover.
AIM stole from the Indian people's homes, raped, kidnapped, and murdered. They ruined the museum, stole the Indian art, and sold it to collectors. The FBi tried to stop it.
Sometimes Indians are afraid to speak up because of the AIM, but I think they feel safer now and trust the FBI more.
Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “...the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85)
Sounds like the U.S. government has been terrorizing Indians for centuries. Hmmmm...
where are the sources, who are these people, are they so sure that it was AIM? I understand that AIM was not the best, but they are leaving out Dick Wilson's Goons, they murdered lots of innocent people in the 70's. I just want sources, I am doing a presentation on Aquash, and it is difficult, especially when you have sources that are so different. Have you watched "Incident at Oglala?" it is good, one sided, possibly, but I would say that this article is very one sided as well, I need a middle ground people!
There is no middle ground. Churchill writes for the KGB. AIM lawyers were communists with KGB ties. Some AIM people are covering-up murders.
Colorado Boulder AIM got money from Saddam's Baath Party.
Check out my blog. My sources are all linked.
It's all HUGE lies.
The elderly FBI agent who was in charge when Wounded Knee was attacked has written a book that is full of Indian witnesses.
His name is Joe Trimbach. His book is in hard copy or e-book form.
I misspoke. It was not the Denver Boulder AIM that got the money years ago. It was the national organization. The Denver Boulder group was mad that Saddam cut off the money because some AIM person said something nice about Iran.
They reported a spat about this on their site.
Check my very first post.
I think that when you push a human being into a corner far enough that their normal reaction is to act out. That's what you get when the U.S government violated the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie and opened the Black Hills to the whites. Our land was taken and we was forced onto a smaller piece of land. It was almost like being put into a box and being thrown food every month with little blankets. Once someone got tired of being treated bad they acted out. A.I.M probably got tired of it. You can;t say they were all bad because they weren't. Everything posted on the internet about A.I.M is negative. I grew up on Pine Ridge and I heard good things about them. I admit that there is bad people in every organization.Hitler had some of his own soldier who were against him, they wanted to end the war and create a better Germany. There is bad people even in Law Enforcement, the government, A.I.M even the FBI. They will do everything to get their way. You can't say that what the FBI said about how the murder of was connect because it was based on theory and assumptions. The Governments idea's towards Native American was to make sure they was extinct. The FBI's goal was to lock up Native Americans. I was witnessed The FBI mistreat Indians and heard stories, on how Federal Agents arrested Indians because of herbal medicines which are used for traditional cermonie's and charges with possession. If there was bad people in A.I.M there was also good who disagreed the outrageous ideas of what might hurt there own people.
The American obsession with terrorism baffles me... they sponsored terror groups to destabilise governements they disagreed with across the world.
I dont know if Peltier is guilty of the murders of the two FBI agents before the Pine Ridge incident, but he is not guilty of the two FBI deaths at Pine Ridge.
If the evidence is so compelling... why is he not tried for that?
The girls murder, while the murder of anyone is horrific, in the terms of such a movement if she was suspected of informing, that is what tends to happen, it happened in Ireland in the IRA, INLA, IPLO, CIRA and RIRA, also on the other side in the UDA, UFF, UVF and RHC.
It happened in Hamas, PLO, Fatah.
It happened in the Stern Gang.
It always happens. Some of the victims are innocent, others guilty.
The real crime is the US occupation of Soiux lands, as it is the British occupation of my country.
For his part, I hope Peltier sees freedom. Let God decide on his death what he is guilty of, as the US state cannot throw stones being knee deep in Indian blood.
There is only one incident with two FBI agents. This happened on June 26, 1975.
They were shot on Pine Ridge. Peltier told the Canadian police he thought the FBI were looking for him, but they actually weren't. He was a career criminal, a murderer, and a psychopath.
There is a book by Joseph Trimbach that explains what happened. A lot of his sources are Indians. He is the former FBI agent for that region. The book is called "American Indian Mafia."
Peltier and his gang were criminals. They were burglars who preyed on Indians. Some of the guns the government recovered from Peltier's gang were stolen from Indians.
AIM leaders were criminals. They destroyed the entire town of Wounded Knee, killed, raped, robbed in 1973 and then claimed they were Indian rights activists.
A lot of AIM leaders were white communists. Their Lawyer Mark Lane took money from the KGB and was also the lawyer for Jonestown. He "managed to escape" when all the people were murdered. Then he blamed their deaths on the CIA.
I think you read too much propaganda. You shouldn't associate the views of AIM with all Indian people.
Of course there were wars with Indians, but there was also cooperation and a lot of intermarriage. Tens of millions of Americans have Indian ancestry. Indians also died of diseases that they had no immunity to.
la verdad es tan clara como se dice, a ANNA la mató el FBI. punto
y a LEonard lo encerró el FBi, todod esto es parte de la guerra contra los pueblos indígenas en todo el mundo. Es lamentable que los mismo estadounidenses no entiendan, les lavaron le cerebro
The death of this woman anna mae was if anything tragic,she seems to be an example of the end result to what is commonly known as paronoia!when in fear of being (potentially)revealed as being a part of a larger conspiracy involving "murder",as some were apparently"thinking",then drastic measures are taken in order to cover up drastic means.I personally think it should all be placed into the hands of the lakota council,and or the lakota court system!and let due process be applied through there legal system,that includes all native issues of or pertaining to law!as for anna mae"rest in peace sister"and I pray peace for all of her Relations!!!A-HO
I am Native so of course I am going to believe in Peltier. I am not going believe all of the evidence against Peltier but I was around during that era. There was a revolution going on with the Blacks, Natives, chicanos, and white flower child was in. Remember back then, What was happening with our country to
cause our natives to gather together and revolt, and what is going on today? Well, I can tell you the poor conditions of reservations, poverty level income, etc, problems are still here. Do something about,US.
Look where this all started. What happens when you allow your government to violate its own constitution? When they put one race above another at the expense of the indigenous people.Now look around you today, white man. YOU are the new Indian. Was it worth it?
The assertion about the legal code defining terrorism is simply childish. It has no credibility. By that definition (from the US Gov't's pov) the Founding Fathers are all terrorists in relation to the British gov't of 1776, etc.
Concentrating words and efforts on any single murder for decades when, in effect a WAR is going on, is the perfect way to deflect all thinking about the base or core situation which is the organized efforts,attacks, and lies by the U.S. against indigenous tribes that they found inferior and inconvenient.
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What did they need FBI agents involved in this in the first place? Is THAT not the real questions??
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When U.S. actions with our tax dollars were involved in the death of over 500,000 Iraqi children, were there inquires, trials? Today the U.S. uses drones to drop bombs on SUSPECTS in Pakistan and elsewhere — no trials, no judges — killing anyone who happens to be nearby.
Not only do we not spend years debating who is responsible or guilty for these terrible deaths, our officials say they are necessary for our safety — not to mention our access to resources of other people.
They are ALL "indians."
so they killied my great auntie ive been hearing so much about her im only 13 and now i really found out why and thats great im AnnaMae Julian if anyone wanna talk to me look my up on facebook or something
These White Supremacists continue to paint American Indians as "terrorists," yet the white people used Manifest Destiny as an excuse to take over our land, somehow they forgot who the real terrorists are. This is a true definition of racism, the whites always what to be the more dominant species. The whites should take some advice from Natives and stop acting like worthless and conceited monkeys. The whites are the real savages. American Indians will not go without a fight! We will fight for Indigenous Liberation. We as an Indigenous community are more connected to our tradition, then the whites who "claim" to be a worshiper of God/Jesus.
To the people who claim to be 1/3, 1/4, 2/3 or any other percentage of Native, hear me, you are nothing native and you never will be. Claiming Indian blood is pathetic and disrespectful! Want to show respect for Natives? go back to England, take your diseases, and fictitious "bible" with you. We do not need Government, we need community which we already have, and White people are just in the way.
And I support Peltier, I always will.
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