Friday, February 12, 2010

Peter Sinclair: "Climate Denial Crock of the Week"

Here are two brief, informative podcasts presented by Peter Sinclair that explain what some of the scientists who sent the hacked "Climategate" e-mails were actually discussing beyond the "soundbites."

After these two videos, I have also linked a series of short podcasts that explain the science of climate change. Each short video is part of a series titled "Climate Denial Crock of the Week." These videos teach people about the science of climate change as well as about the techniques of propaganda.

You can also view "Climate Crock" podcasts at the Science and Global Change Climate Change Video Library and Greenfyre's.

Climate Crock Sacks Hack Attack Part 1 [This video discusses the hocky stick graph and the "hide the decline" e-mail.]

Climate Crock Sacks Hack Attack - Part 2

"In the 70s, They said there'd be an Ice Age"

2009 Sea Ice Update

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - The "Temp leads Carbon" Crock

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Party like it's 1998

Sense from Deniers on CO2? Don't hold your breath....

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - "The Medieval Warming Crock"

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - The "Urban Heat Island" Crock

Climate Denial Crock of the Week- "It's cold. So there's no Climate Change"

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - That 1500 Year Thing

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Don't it make my Green World Brown

Birth of a Climate Crock

Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

Polar Ice Update

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Ice Area vs Volume

This Year's Model

Denial was a River in Africa

The Big Swindle Movie

Watts Up With Watts?

Mars Attacks!!!

32000 Scientists

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Solar Schmolar

Water Vapor and Climate

Creepy at the EPA

Here is a link to all of the Climate Crock videos. I will post some more later.


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