Monday, October 10, 2011

Unrepentant Political Gangster Ken Cuccinelli's Dirty Dozen Lies

This Stalin-era political cartoon from the satirical magazine Krokodil (January 1953) depicts the "Doctors' Plot." A "saboteur-doctor" is being unmasked as a poisoner of the Soviet political and military leadership. Dollars from the CIA are falling from the doctor's pocket. As soon as Stalin died, in 1953, Soviet leaders reevaluated and denounced this conspiracy theory. Perhaps the most famous denunciation of the Doctors' Plot was made by Nikita Khrushchev in his "Secret Speech" to the 20th Party Congress in February, 1956.

Over a year ago, on August 2, 2010, the Union of Concerned Scientists documented twelve mistakes in Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli's attack on the famous climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann. More than a year has passed, but the arrogant Cuccinelli stubbornly refuses to admit his mistakes and continues to persecute Dr. Mann in spite of the fact that scientists keep pointing out his errors. I think Cuccinelli continues to persecute Dr. Mann because his father is a lobbyist/consultant for the gas industry. It seems to me that our so-called "law officer" is nothing but a political gangster, the "sword and shield" of the fossil fuel industry who has hijacked the AG's office on behalf of his sponsors. Attorney General Cuccinelli is attacking the climate scientist Dr. Mann and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment Report, which is accepted by the National Intelligence Council (16 U.S. intelligence agencies).

Here is what the Union of Concerned Scientists wrote on August 2, 2010:

Below are a dozen of the most egregious errors the Union of Concerned Scientists found in Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's July 13 court filing requesting documents from the University of Virginia related to climate scientist Michael Mann.


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