Monday, January 15, 2007

Ward Churchill Calls New School's President Robert Kerrey a "Mass Murderer and Serial Killer"!

The New York Sun (12-12-06) reports that Professor Ward Churchill of the University of Colorado at Boulder called the president of the New York City's New School, Robert Kerrey, a "mass murder and serial killer" for his Vietnam military service.

The students cheered when Mr. Churchill likened President Kerrey to the serial killer Charles Manson:

"That's who you've got moral equivalency in the president's chair at this institution...How about a cage rather than a president's suite?"

A New School student organizaton called the Women of Color invited Churchill to speak. Perhaps they have not heard that Churchill is a white man who abuses women of color. It is hard to believe that women of color want to be stupid little puppets for some violent white man who, even by his own admission, abused his own Indian wife.

It is even alleged that Professor Churchill tried to push his first and third wife out of a moving car!


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