Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Eichmann Unmasked!

[After 9-11] "The New York Times shortly began publishing photos and biographical sketches of everyone who died in the Trade Center; I read every one of them, and the demography was about what I'd expected."--Ward Churchill, former Professor of Ethnic Cleansing

Picture of twin towers of Birkenau crematorium (1943). Zyklon-B poison gas pellets (a cyanide compound) were tossed into the "shower" through a window on the outside wall of the gas chamber.
"How's about we feed a cyanide cocktail to your kids?"
[This comment from a demonstrator at the Newmont Mining protest in Denver was allegedly overheard and then repeated with approval by C.U. Boulder's Professor of Ethnic Cleansing "Wansee" Whitmer.]

"Tell ’em [the mothers] you’ll put the butt out when they snuff the kid and not a moment before. Better yet, tell ’em they should snuff themselves, as well as the kid, and do the planet a real favor. Just 'kidding' (heh-heh)."---Ward Churchill

Picture: Nazi Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann on trial. Eichmann was kidnapped from Argentina in 1960 and taken to Israel where he was put on trial for crimes against humanity.
By the end of the Nuremburg Trials (convened November 20, 1945), Eichmann was identified as "the man in charge of the extermination program against the Jews."
According to the terrorists' tapemaker Ward Churchill, the 9-11 victims, whom Wardo defamed as "little Eichmanns," deserved to die because of their demographics:
"The New York Times shortly began publishing photos and biographical sketches of everyone who died in the Trade Center; I read every one of them, and the demography was about what I'd expected." [See the article here.]
Here is a post that recounts a number of moronic statements that Ward Churchill has made about Karl Adolf Eichmann--such as "Eichmann primarily arranged train schedules."
Here is the list of the innocent 9-11 victims who were incinerated by Osama Bin Laden and his collaborators on 9-11. They are our friends, our neighbors, our fellow countrymen, and the citizens of many foreign nations. You can read their biographies and even leave a remembrance.
Ward Churchill claims that he looked at the demographics of every single person on this list. Most Americans know it is wrong to send a human being up a smokestack based on his race, but not Ward Churchill.
Wardo is the vicious Eichmann---a drooling racist thug and a shill for despotic regimes and terrorists---who masquerades as an advocate for Indian rights. Yeah, right!
Ward Churchill makes his living by dehumanizing Americans. He even falsified the scholarship of honest scholars to make his case that the U.S. Army deliberately infected the Mandan Indians with Smallpox.
Allegations that the Americans use biological warfare are a staple of communist propaganda and probably have thier origins in the ignorant Midieval anti-semitic libels about Jews poisoning wells and causing the plague.
Since Ward Churchill publishes anti-FBI slanders in a "peer reviewed" journal, that KGB mouthpiece, The Covert Action Information Bulletin, it is no surprise that he also fabricates allegations about Americans poisoning Indians.


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