Saturday, June 07, 2008

Ward Churchill Had an Aneurysm in His Leg

"I broke and slammed [my late wife Leah Kelly] back against our bedroom wall, telling her that if she kept it up, she’d be apt to land in a hospital." ---Ward Churchill

Drunkablog (5-25-08) reports that Ward Churchill had surgery to repair an aneurysm in his leg.

[6-7-08 Update: During an interview at Tryworks (6-7-08) via Drunkablog, a person claiming to be Ward Churchill was interviewed by "Romeo Zambaletti" and described his condition as an abdominal aneurysm. Perhaps this is an abdominal aortic aneurysm. "Churchill" explains that he had a "stint," but I think this device/proceedure is more often called a stent.]

Churchill acolyte and Tryworks blogger Ben Whitmer has remained mum on the subject of Ward Churchill's health [until 6-7-08, as noted in the update] but on 5-21-08 opined in the comments about my just deserts:

They ought to give a medal for throwing Snapple over a fence. Or off a building. Or down a flight of stairs.

Why not over a cliff, Ben? Isn't that the way of your people?

Actor-activist Susan Sarandon spouted off at her enemies, too, and threatened to board a flight for a stint in Canada or Italy if Senator McCain is elected President.

FOX News comedian Greg Gutfeld reports (6-2-08):

So, if there was ever one totally awesome reason to vote for John McCain, here it is: Aging actress Susan Sarandon says if he gets elected, she'll move to Italy or Canada...

She adds: "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people."

Thanks for vote of confidence, Susan. Knowing that you believe we have the potential to be as smart as you, makes me realize how it was your breasts — not your brains — that carried your career.

...Here's the thing: Celebrities typically say crap like this because they think we care. It's cute! Alec Baldwin said he'd leave if Bush got elected, but he just turned into a fat toad.

But here's what I really love: When threatening to leave America, they never choose countries unlike America. I mean, Italy is essentially Hawaii with more red wine and Canada is Alaska with better weather. Saying you're moving there if McCain wins is like threatening to move to Epcot Center. It may look different, but it's still America.

If Sarandon had any real guts, she'd move to a place the American way of life hasn't quite made a dent. For example, they just burned a woman to death in India for being a witch. Susan could start there.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.


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